I came across a post on Reddit showing Mussolini at the end of his career, specifically him hanged from his ankles in the Piazzale Loreto. I left a comment, “we didn’t get the chance to do this with Hitler, but we should make this traditional.” Yes, not the most benign comment, but far “threatening violence or physical harm,” at least I think so. A bot must have come across that and thought “beep boop,” because suddenly my account was permanently banned. It’s honestly insulting that a human took no part in this process.
Now that Reddit is owned by the wealthy elite they cannot be trusted. Every list of “companies we should boycott” needs to have Reddit on there with the rest of em.
This caused me to look up the death of Mussolini and, holy shit, old American newsreels didn’t fuck around.
“A fitting and glorious end-”
Fitting, sure. I’d call it ignominious before glorious, though…
and here I thought he suffocated to death when they hung him.
bitch was shot and his corpse was piñata’d for all to see.
That ending wtf
I got banned on the same post. My comment was Luigi will do no wrong. 7 day ban… it was like the third time in the past three months that I’ve been banned for seven days but never for something is innocuous as that… usually it’s for telling some mod to go fuck themselves after they gave me a 48 hour ban… Hahah fucking bootlickers
Obligatory Saint Luigi blessing for the banned:
remember kids:
A place in heaven is reserved for those who speak truth to power
It’s not illegal if you do it to save your country
You dropped your /s king…
For those of you asking wtf, this is a Donald Trump quote.
Here’s the KLING AI animated version: https://i.imgur.com/XzgU9AS.mp4
Blessed be our saint Luigi!
I’m with you, but as Noam Chomsky said, power already knows the truth. They are busy hiding it. Better speak the truth about power.
It’s not that power doesn’t know the truth - it’s that speaking it to them is a direct confrontation.
And without confrontation, no system will allow fundamental change.
The courage and sacrifice of the act of speaking truth TO power are what embolden others to do the same. It also forces the power in question to respond to the truth teller, and their response, no matter what it is, weakens their hold.
For instance, attempting to paint the truth teller as a liar (FAKE NEWS) falters in the face of fact checkers. This erodes the public trust for the power in question.
Censoring the truth teller can suppress the story only partially, and legitimizes their cause to the public once it gets out.
Arresting the truth teller creates a public spectacle which elevates the truth teller to the status of celebrity and almost certainly ensures their message gets out.
Killing the truth teller creates a martyr.
Also keep in mind that the chuds have been making a concerted push to go around Reddit and report every anti-fascist post and comment they can find. Between that and the recent Reddit crackdown against anything Luigi related, the place is quickly turning into StormFront 2.0.
No, not our Steve Huffman. He’d never do anything unethical, much less authoritarian.
[squealing intensifies]
Yeah, got banned on one of my accounts for supporting the killing of a nazi. Some people were pointing out someone having kids and I pretty much said so fucking what? Nazis can have kids, they still need to die.
Make Killing Nazis Great Again
They’re saying the quiet part out loud at this point.
I got banned on the same post. My comment was Luigi will do no wrong. 7 day ban… it was like the third time in the past three months that I’ve been banned for seven days but never for something is innocuous as that… usually it’s for telling some mod to go fuck themselves after they gave me a 48 hour ban… Hahah fucking bootlickers
I was banned by a bot for threatening violence… against myself. I merely said “it’s comforting to me that if things ever get bad enough I can just blow my brains out.” Now a moderator did unban me when I appealed, but it’s like you say… insulting that bots are banning without human review in the first place.
Anyways, I decided to leave Reddit for good this time and left on a final post saying I hope He Who Shall Not Be Named inspires more bloodshed of terrible people ruining the world to line their own pockets. That’ll probably get the account permabanned. Good riddance.
I hope that you’re not feeling genuinely suicidal currently. I’ve had to explain to people in the past that having a “way out” can be comforting enough to keep depressed folks from being suicidal, but if it ever gets to be too much, I’m here for you. You can shoot me a DM.
Thank you, that’s kind. I promised my family I wouldn’t ever do that to them, and I intend to keep that promise unless it’s a pretty extreme condition like the painful end stages of a terminal illness or apocalyptic scenario. The thought of them getting that visit from the police and putting them through that grief is too much.
Well I’m glad you have a good reason not to! But if it gets difficult, I’ll be here. ♥
FFS that’s ridiculous. If you’d said that was all you were banned for a few months ago I’d have thought you were lying. But that ban is standard now.
Around here, you can say what you really meant quite outright and most instances won’t blink (except, ironically, the one you and I are on got a little heat for this exact thing, lol, they want to be most like Reddit).
- A human was involved in the process at some point
- Your comment was “threatening violence or physical harm”
- In my opinion there’s nothing wrong with threatening Nazis with “violence or physical harm” - they’re Nazis, their entire schtick is genocide, how do people think that they’re supposed to be dealt with, tea and cakes? Chamberlain tried that, didn’t work. What did work was killing a whole bunch of them. For my entire childhood and most of my adult life people were lauded for the effort of killing Nazis or dying in the attempt.
Cake or death!?
To me your comment was clearly a joke. There’s nothing serious about it, you’re not rallying others, there’s no vitriol or aggression. Warn or shadow ban, fine. Perma ban is excessive.
Mussolini at the end of his career
Hehe. Why is that phrasing so funny?
What about Hitler losing his job?