As the saying goes, money can’t buy you happiness but a lack of money can buy you a lot of misery. Enough money for a comfortable lifestyle, anything over that and we enter ego validation territory.
The one I heard is money can’t buy you happiness but it can buy you a helicopter, which is almost as good
Money probably really doesn’t make you happy. Most of the things that make me happy have nothing to do with me being able to buy crap I don’t need.
But that dumb sentiment hides the fact that a lack of money can definitely make you miserable.
Only the people that never had stress over dentist of vet bills will suggest money is somehow not a massive factor in determining your quality of life in a capitalist society.
I’m very close to paying off all my student debt. You’d think I’d be happier with the extra 250 a month now going to me, but… it’s really not a life changing amount. I can afford better groceries, and can save a bit for a rainy day. Other than that, nothing much really.
Financial independence would be life changing. Not seeing a large portion of my income going to rent, but to a property that I own and can happily invest time and effort into. That would be amazing
My biggest issue rn is credit card debt. My dog needed multiple surgeries and my car needed fixed. I have 2 maxed out cards and no interest until November. It’s only like 6k to pay off, but it’s still overwhelming because I’ve never had to deal with this type of thing before. I think I can get it all paid off before November, but it’s still a daunting task.
Rip my fun summer plans.
Happiness is connected to contentment, feeling you have enough.
There are people living in their cars who are happy, and elon musk, with all the money in the world, very much doesn’t look like a happy person.He is confirmed to be sufferring from treatment resistant depression, hence the ketamine. Or more accurately, esketamine nose injections. Expensive as shit, but a “wonderdrug” in treating it. At least when done by reputable doctors and not recreationally.
Edit: not that depression means sad, or that lack of it means happy of course.
Getting 99 salary increases does feel unrealistic though
I’m all but certain the whole “money can’t buy happiness” shtick is just classist propaganda to keep the peasants poor by trying to build some kind of weird pride in staying poor.
Money can buy freedom, and while freedom doesn’t guarantee happiness, it’s a pretty fucking important ingredient.
Amazing how few people question this statement though.
Ya the only people who say this bullshit are those that have never experienced hard ship before.
If people have not experienced hard ship and they are still unhappy, they are qualified to tell you that the lack of economic problems does not bring happiness.
Just by pure logic.
“Money can’t buy you happiness but it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery.” - Spike Milligan
“Money cant buy you happiness, but it can buy you a jetski. Have YOU ever seen anyone crying on a jetski?” - me.
You’re argument is very convincing. Guess I have to buy a jetski with the money I hav… Oh wait
but it surely helps a lot, i mean i dont ask to be a billionaire, just enough for place to living, and i dont have to worry about food. and maybe with a pc gaming :) and i hope i dont need to go to hospital because sickness. just die while im asleep… just burn my body or give it to some lion. i dont care
pardon my english
Eh, some could also be solved with more time off.
Why not both? :D
Money alone can’t buy happiness, but it sure helps with the down payment.
I more think it’s impressive they manage to still be unhappy with absolutely no reason to be so.
That is because money can’t buy happiness.
A lack of money can cause unhappiness though.
Money can’t buy happiness but poverty can’t buy shit.
Money buys me happiness all the time.
Ive always said “Money cant buy you happiness, money does however let you rent happiness.”
I’ve always said if money can’t buy happiness then what’s the point in having it.
It buys a reduction in unhappiness, which is a good first step to hapiness, but money can’t take you the next step of actually appreciating what you’ve got.
Past a certain point, money can’t buy any more happiness. Sure, you have a house, but what is it worth if there’s no one to share it with?
but what is it worth if there’s no one to share it with?
You can pay people for that.
There’s always gold-digging hoes. (That includes men too.) When people only want your money, you literally have to go out of your way to make your own happiness…