So, I’m making an script to download script files from GitHub to the user’s system. I know downloading to the home directory (~/script_dir/) is typically frowned upon.
For context, this is a directory containing python files, README, requirements, etc. pip dependencies need to be installed before launch. The script would be executed through
Where would be a good place to download to that won’t clutter the user’s home directory?
Edit: The script is a CLI interface for yt-dlp to make it easier to use. So, it will download files to specified directories on the user’s system.
Edit 2: Appreciate the responses. I forgot to mention this script has a config file it uses for certain parameters, such as default download directory for each category. If a config file doesn’t exist it creates one in the script’s directory and dumps the default values from a default config file (YAML).
Some of you are mentioning this could be a PyPI package. Would I still be able to read/write my config files if I made this a PyPI package?
Sounds like it could be published as a PyPI package, then used with uvx or pipx.
If I made this a PyPi package, would I be able to create a config file to read from it/have it read from a default config file and set that as the user config file?
sure, you can store the config in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/your-app-name/ (the var usually defaults to ~/.config/).