The GOP playbook for decades has been to try to dismantle government to the point that they can point at its corpse and say “see? We were right. Government doesn’t work.”
As this is still the goal, it makes perfect sense that they want to give more power to the Dismantler in Chief.
What has never factored into the equation is the absolute suffering it will bring to the American people – largely against their will. The GOP has never gotten this far before, and I carry the teensiest, tiniest bit of optimism that it is too far for most Americans and the bottom may finally fall out of this approach – meaning Republicans in government will finally have to give in and eventually learn to govern, if they’re even given another chance at all.
But it is only a teensy, tiny bit of optimism, and it requires that very basic things like voting in the US still actually exist.
“to give”? I’m sorry but “gave” would be the correct tense here.
Traitors. I hope they meet the traditional traitors fate.
I just don’t get it. They are literally giving away the power they have to someone who has demonstrated he is planning to destroy the county in which they live.
There is ZERO upside to them doing this…
Christian Dominionism: Look it up.
They share his desire to destroy the country.
Professional politicians are looking forward to the day when they can come out from under the shadow of dark money and influence peddling and financial reports and openly live as lords of the corporate/kleptocratic new world order.
In a nation absolutely awash in high-powered weaponry? They are absolutely delusional if they think this will go the way they think it will.
There are a ridiculous number of functional militaries in America and most of them bow to corporate interests.
so far, said weaponry’s main achievements are higher murder rates than anywhere in the west (interestingly, if you remove guns homicides, it evens out), and killing kids at a higher rate than cancer.
Now imagine the county collapsed and the US dollar no longer the reserve currency. All these tech bros with billions of nothing sitting in their bunkers will be ripe for the taking. Candy ass nerds and stock brokers are not hard asses no matter what MMA classes they walk through.
and most people who think they are hard asses aren’t hard asses either. the country isn’t collapsing either. it’s just relinquishing its role of being the leading superpower and establishing techfeudalism.
Seems like most of the people who hoard such weapons want to join them and be part of the largest group of thugs.
You do know that the elite Republicans can’t stand their poorer base, don’t you? They just used them to gain power, however they may employ some of the worst of the worst as personal thugs - hint, they already do this.
So, what you’re saying is… You agree with me? Great!
The minority of vocal moronic ones, yes.
The quiet ones who have hidden from public view what they have and how much? Not so much.
Since we’re not ammosexuals, we’re better trained. No point in having a hundred guns you’re barely familiar with and can’t maintain.
So far it looks like armed Muricans are docile as lambs
armed Muricans are docile as lambs
Lambs are a hell of a lot smarter though.
They have the same goals. Doing it this way, they get their objectives met without getting their own hands dirty.
It’s amazing how much Mike Johnson looks like Stephen Colbert when he was a conservative.
It’s amazing how much Mike Johnson looks like Stephen Colbert when he
was a conservativeplayed a conservative every night on TV.FTFY.
He should bring back the character and try something like this again.
Stephen Colbert was a conservative and the democratic party offered him a late night show to switch parties.
Did you not ever watch The Cobert Report?
Wait - do you think he’s being serious in Colbert? You realize that’s a bit, right? It’s not his serious beliefs. The entire show is satire.
Why are you treating me like an idiot?
Of course he was serious it was Comedy Central’s attempt to balance Jon Stewart’s liberal show.
I’m genuinely confused. Not trying to treat you like an idiot. Yes, he was the “conservative counterpoint” to Stewart, but his character - and the entire show - is an exercise in reductio ad absurdum of American conservatism.
I’m not sure if you’re being coy and contrarian, or if you’ve simply never actually seen it. Because if you’ve seen it, it’s fairly apparent that it’s making fun of conservatives. And it’s made even better by the fact that a lot of conservatives didn’t understand that - including W Bush. That speech he gave at the press correspondents dinner in ‘06 EXCORIATED the Bush administration, and they were NOT stoked about it. (E3: and to be clear, they thought he was going to cheerlead the bush admin right up until he got a couple sentences into his routine. Seriously, you should watch it. It’s quite good.)
Edit: I’m gonna go with “my sarcasm detector is broken” 😅
E2: I am now less concerned that my sarcasm detector is broken. I’m also far less confident that you’ve actually watched anything more than short clips of Colbert Report.
Can’t unsee that now.