I think the joke would be funnier if it wasn’t spelled out.
Honestly this would get you laid a lot more anyways.
For one thing, almost no woman cares about the size of one’s dick. You’ll mostly see a woman talk about dick size only if it’s too big and painful.
For some reason though, men seem to be heavily invested in dicks.
Men love dicks
is 47 cm enough?
You forgot the decimal
is 0.47+E12 cm enough?
You mean 0.47e12 or 0.47 + 1e12?
For some reason though, men seem to be heavily invested in dicks.
Which makes it all the more tragic that the John Holmes Index dropped 12 more points today 📉
We’ll duh, chocobos are awesome!
I have a buddy that has a above average penis and his wife has below average vagina. They barely have intercourse. They mostly do non intercourse stuff.
It actually pretty bad now that they want kids. They are considering IVF since it hurts too much for his wife.
Do you really think I asked for a twelve inch PIANIST.
(punchline from a different joke of the same genre)
Was the wish also to ride it?
Negotiating with a genie be like
Genie did you a favor, you can actually get some use out of that wish