- type “go fash, lose cash”
- refuse to elaborate any further
Gigachad behavior.
Dear Disney+
If you ever produce anything worth watching, be assured that I will be pirating it.
Andor is excellent. Well worth pirating, and the second season starts in April.
I liked the first season of Mandalorian, but right after that it slid in to that “if it moves and makes a noise, you should be entertained”-shitbucket.
I’m expecting that to happen with Andor.
Thank you for your feedback! Your opinion is important to us. We will carefully read and process all of your inputs to improve our services.
Jokes on you they can legally kill your wife now
i also choose this man’s wife
there’s a delete button you can click right in your inbox, no need to waste time on that corporate hell-hole. trust me, they won’t read it!
sincerely- a guy who moved across the country to work for disney once and was let go a few weeks later because of the pandemic and their insanely shortsighted management
You wrote an SQL statement?
Do people actually write SQL in all caps? Ever since I was a boy I’ve always written SQL (and HTML) in lower case.
I do it because it helps me visually separate SQL keywords from table and column names.
Helps especially when your SQL is embedded in another file so there is no syntax highlighting.