Hey, exactly what the title says. I am looking for an online store or brand for femboy clothes.
I am talking crop top hoodie or regular crop top, tigh highs aso. Thanks <3
Hey, exactly what the title says. I am looking for an online store or brand for femboy clothes.
I am talking crop top hoodie or regular crop top, tigh highs aso. Thanks <3
I am central⁴ europe. As central as one can get xd
Tcheq republic 😋 ?
No. But close. Germany. South Germany
Depending on your definition of Europe, the center is in:
There’s a commonly used traditional meaning independent of strict geography.
It’s traditionally and commonly used by Western Europeans in order to exclude the Eastern European countries, like Ukraine.
WTF? All they need to do to exclude them from the west is call them Eastern European. The Central European countries, on the other hand, are often thought of as East Europe by westerners, and they prefer the term Central Europe to make it more obvious that they’re not that close to Russia. So if anyone excludes East Europe, it’s Central Europe.
For me central europe is the following Germany, Lichtenstein, Austria, Switzerland, Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, Luxemburg and maaaybe also hungary, slovenia and croatia, but i use balkan for them more.
You cant tell me Ukraine is central europe lol
I never said Ukraine is central Europe. I was taught they were eastern. I also view Germany, Switzerland and Austria as western Europe, not necessarily because of geography, but due to historically being part of the western block.