A man 🙏🙏
Excellent hyperlink manners!
Bibs never said Hose F. checked the hymen. If the merry story was straight, this plot hole would be closed. Old Hosed F. wore a red uniform on TNG
Was this text to speech? Either way, upvoting for old hosed F
It was joking around; intentional
What are you doing step spirirt
My tunic hath become lodged in ye ol’ washboard.
It’s his voice trembling.
You must feel Jesus enter you.
I’m so full of the spirit, I think I’m about to burst.
Hey wait a minute, I thought Santa was supposed to to come, not Jesus
Santa only comes once a year, but the Lord comes for me whenever I need him.
No, wait, hold on, that’s just your priest
Anyway, both of them leave kids’ rooms with an empty sack.
Another soul saved!
I had to replace the bag on my spirit can.
For real, no one has even clicked the link!!
“sign in to confirm you’re not a bot” sorry, I’m a bot
And the lord did nut, for it was not November. Amen.
I mean technically Christianity believes God’s spirit impregnated Mary.
And the Holy Spirit told Joseph to hide the evidence away from public view, like a proto-Epstein.
deleted by creator
I need to feel you inside me, Jesus
And the Holy Spirit did come unto the congregation.
Skeet Jesus!