After it was known that Musk was salivating for the shutdown to cut more shit, I’m not really surprised. They’ve got 2 years to fight back. You don’t spend all your political capital before you’ve earned it
just one more chance bro. i promise bro just one more chance and it’ll fix everything bro. bro… just one more chance please just one more. one more chance and we can fix this whole problem bro. bro c’mon just give me one more chance i promise bro. bro bro please i just need one more chance
If I understand correctly this CR legalizes DOGE and everything it has and wants to do in the future. Shutting government down completely is preferable, IMO. The federal employee unions agree.
You think not shutting down is going to truly slow musk down? You think dems will accomplish anything meaningful in the next two years with Rs in control of all three branches? What fucking political capital? They fail at pretty much every turn. How are they going to earn capital by just failing?
That doesn’t answer my question, how does shutting down the Federal government that Trump controls speed him up?
It’s the one thing the Dems in Congress can press on him. Republicans did it to Obama, why can’t we have the representatives we voted for, myself included, represent the need to slow him down?
Just keep giving him money and rubber stamp his bills for the Neo-Enabling Act. That’ll show him!
And just the stupidity of thinking Chuck fucking schumer is going to be the political genius of building and using political capital effectively. Just ridiculous.
Yeah. If you look like a bitch to people who think “the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must”, then the strong will do what they can(that is what you allow them to do with little resistance) and you suffer what you must.
I’m well versed in how political capital and pragmatism works, especially in the United States structure. And you’re insane if you think that has any bearing with how schumer has handled this and with how the current administration is running. It’s mind boggling how you can be stupid and condescending this hard at the same time.
Capital is built on credibility. Schumer just flip flopped very publicly from what people want him to do, to what they always knew he would do. Literally overnight.
After it was known that Musk was salivating for the shutdown to cut more shit, I’m not really surprised. They’ve got 2 years to fight back. You don’t spend all your political capital before you’ve earned it
They had 4 years to “build a case” against trump. No more delays and no more excuses.
just one more chance bro. i promise bro just one more chance and it’ll fix everything bro. bro… just one more chance please just one more. one more chance and we can fix this whole problem bro. bro c’mon just give me one more chance i promise bro. bro bro please i just need one more chance
-Cucky Shoomer (via ActBlue)
If I understand correctly this CR legalizes DOGE and everything it has and wants to do in the future. Shutting government down completely is preferable, IMO. The federal employee unions agree.
Or “why democrats have decided to take the opposite position.”
You think not shutting down is going to truly slow musk down? You think dems will accomplish anything meaningful in the next two years with Rs in control of all three branches? What fucking political capital? They fail at pretty much every turn. How are they going to earn capital by just failing?
A government shutdown would no doubt help the GOP dismantle the government faster.
By shutting down the government
You got your wish. The bullshit bill giving Trump everything he wanted passed.
Congratulations. You can stop trolling now.
They won’t, they love the New Republican Party, formally called The Democrat Party.
That doesn’t answer my question, how does shutting down the Federal government that Trump controls speed him up?
It’s the one thing the Dems in Congress can press on him. Republicans did it to Obama, why can’t we have the representatives we voted for, myself included, represent the need to slow him down?
Just keep giving him money and rubber stamp his bills for the Neo-Enabling Act. That’ll show him!
He is trying to shut it down by dismantling it.
Threatening to give him what he wants by defunding the government just gives him what he wants but places the blame on the Dems.
Then why did Trump not want the shut down? Why give him what he wants in the bill, and not what he is mad at?
That person is a troll. Don’t bother.
You’re calling me a troll just because you don’t like what I say. This is a good way to make yourself bias in this echo chamber.
I know, I just like bothering them. They don’t upset me. Thank you, however.
If you think you have political capital options in the current administration you’re insane
And that you accumulate it by not doing things. It’s such an inane concept that somehow only gets used to argue against acting and never for.
And just the stupidity of thinking Chuck fucking schumer is going to be the political genius of building and using political capital effectively. Just ridiculous.
Yeah. If you look like a bitch to people who think “the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must”, then the strong will do what they can(that is what you allow them to do with little resistance) and you suffer what you must.
ITT: people who don’t know what political capital is
I’m well versed in how political capital and pragmatism works, especially in the United States structure. And you’re insane if you think that has any bearing with how schumer has handled this and with how the current administration is running. It’s mind boggling how you can be stupid and condescending this hard at the same time.
Democrats have no political capital, they’re nothing but hollow platitudes and fake resistance.
Capital is built on credibility. Schumer just flip flopped very publicly from what people want him to do, to what they always knew he would do. Literally overnight.