I have been finding myself suddenly saving techdirt articles for my reading list day after day, and I guess now I know why. Not to say I wasn’t interested before, but they’ve been providing analysis and commentary lately that has just hit different/ has been scratching a particular itch. Please, keep that train rolling.
techdirt has been gold across multiple decades now. I’m really glad more people are starting to become aware of it!
Yeah honestly after the first couple I was like, crap I’ve been missing out. You can tell they’re legit because the website looks like forum websites I used to frequent in the early 00s (sounds like a dig, but I swear it’s not, the modern web is damn awful to read most of the time).
Mike Masnick is a good egg, which makes him valuable in times like these… Just like good eggs.
I’ve worked and lived in a lot of developing countries. I can’t shout into the void any more then I already do, that I’ve seen this a dozen times.
Colleagues of mine that lived under corrupt kleptocracies with things like massive state surveillance of average people for simply being in the wrong political party tell me how great it is that the US has finally caught up with them.
The commonality is that we have already, in 6 weeks, hit a point of it taking a generation to undo what’s been done.
The people who aren’t freaked out are either normal people that don’t have a sense of what’s coming and can’t comprehend life outside the status quo, and those that think they’ll directly benefit from it all.
While most news media keeps on endlessly reporting on what politicians say, tech and law commentators by definition focus on what is being done. In a world where what is being said is not only irrelevant, but flat-out weaponized, this is the only kind of reporting that matters.