Maths with arabic terms and pronounciations :
And then there’s the dichotomy between Eaton and Cambridge in Latin pronounciation. As long as communication happens, I’ve given up caring. Pass the popcorn.
This is the right attitude.
People get so worked up about being right that they forget what communication is about to begin with: understanding.
It’s exactly what I tell my girlfriend when she fumbles her texts. Did you say anything coherent? No. Did I understand it? Yes. That’s all that matters ❤️
No-no-no, you misunderstood. As soon as communication starts to happen, I grab the popcorn and step aside to watch the fight unfold.
This one goes out to [email protected].
Damn, you signed up on pi day? Pretty on brand, I suppose.
I know a dozen proverbs in Latin and have zero knowledge about pronunciation. And it is totally fine.
Calm down you two, you can both be in the music video.