They were Protestants and hated Catholics. Still doesn’t make sense.
I mean I hate everything about catholicism too. I mean I hate all religions, but catholicism specifically. But I don’t burn their symbols. I just avoid any circumstance I would have to be exposed to of it.
But yeah, still doesn’t make sense to burn a symbol you share with the people you hate. This is just their silent screams of self hatred. Not loud enough to drown out the “everything besides white people” hatred, but still somehow present. I guess they can’t even like themselves. Too busy hating.
Gotta get that hate-love ratio under control.
What makes you hate catholics specifically over other religions?
Yes. Yes they are. Also, I think a “radical Christian” would be the opposite of the KKK.
I guess I’m a radical Christian then.
I believe Jesus taught tolerance and love, so I try to treat others with tolerance and love. And not fake love like “thoughts and prayers,” but real love, which comes with action.