Mad Max: Fury Road. I thought that was dumbest, most caveman pleasing trash that has ever received that much acclaim. Truly, the entire movie is designed to make a caveman go, “OOhhhH!.. WwAaHh!.. FFIIRE!.. DwWoOah!.. HaHhh!.. OOhhhH! LaDy!!..HhaHh!.. MAD!!..WoOoHhh!”
Thank you. I saw it, and it was one of the most boring movies I’d seen in spite of all the effects being thrown at me. Mind you, I went into it having watched Mad Max & Road Warrior hours before, and having skipped Thunderdome (and Waterworld). In all honesty, Fury Road is just “what if we actually made Waterworld the Mad Max sequel it was obviously supposed to be?”
Mad Max: Fury Road. I thought that was dumbest, most caveman pleasing trash that has ever received that much acclaim. Truly, the entire movie is designed to make a caveman go, “OOhhhH!.. WwAaHh!.. FFIIRE!.. DwWoOah!.. HaHhh!.. OOhhhH! LaDy!!..HhaHh!.. MAD!!..WoOoHhh!”
Thank you. I saw it, and it was one of the most boring movies I’d seen in spite of all the effects being thrown at me. Mind you, I went into it having watched Mad Max & Road Warrior hours before, and having skipped Thunderdome (and Waterworld). In all honesty, Fury Road is just “what if we actually made Waterworld the Mad Max sequel it was obviously supposed to be?”