Probably better to ground them, these things need like a week of maintenance after every flight. You could sell a few to Iran and and they’d be bankrupt in a year.
Look, I wrote a script to send morse code with the rotary cannon.
Much better than writing lewd messages to the enemy on the ammunition.
I propose the following as the default message:
…-. …- -.-. -.- / -.-- — …- / … -. / .–. .- .-. - … -.-. …- .-… .- .-.
We need to see Doom running On these planes first. That is always the first step.
I’m using Arch, btw.
Arch is Canadian too.
I’m flying Arch, btw. /jet noise
I’m flying Arch, btw.
At least not Gentoo. Would be awkward if you had to enter a holding pattern mid sortie because the bombing software is still compiling.
Still doubt they will let anyone fly them with programmer socks.
Programmer socks are g-suits for desk workers, change my mind.
Have you seen how complex these things are? I think programmer socks should be a requirement.
Call the John Deere pirates, they know how to deal with this
How many GPUs d’ya think they put in those?
judging by the sound they make, atleast one running cyberpunk on ultra