No shifting into reverse while moving doesn’t sound that bad actually. You’re not going to begin going backwards until after you’re at a standstill anyway, right?
The rest is a nightmare.
The main gun? Like, the cannon? From turning the heat on? JFC.
Looks like Swiss engineering is no longer the top of the pops anymore?
nah… just stupid MF’s grounding their equipment through the chassis.
Isn’t that normal? My car’s wiring is grounded to the chassis, and I don’t have my wipers coming on every time I turn on the headlights
30 years ago, sure.
Not anymore if you want your complicated shit to work and not have ground loops tripping off ECU inputs.
Boom Hans did you turn on the heating?
Good thing it rarely ever gets cold in… Looks at notes …Switzerland.
[uncontrolled turret movements intensify]