Hey swat team I found a deranged mentally ill psycho at 1600 pennsylvania ave, dc 20500. Hurry up, he’s holding people hostage.
They get there… Which one?
I mean, yeah. Any good dictatorship encourages people to tell on their ‘fellow’ neighbors. For either side.
If a MAGA tells on an anti-MAGA neighbor, they’ll go for the latter.
If an anti-MAGA reports a MAGA, the regime also appreciates the self-snitching by the former.
“And then they came for me, but there was no one left to speak up for me”.
Pretty soon it’ll be anti-MAGA telling on their anti-MAGA neighbors to protect themselves from MAGA. “I would do something but I have kids to take care of” crowd will be the first to betray their own.
If you’re child free why aren’t you doing anything then, big man? What else do you have to live for?
And soon everyone will be doing the Sieg Heil. That’s literally how it went down.
But Americans are so soft I have no idea how things will actually go.
Anything to keep working class from banding together and punching up.
What the hell is this from‽
They Live (1988).
It’s rad!
They Live. Watch that and you’ll suddenly get a whole lot of memes you never understood.
Fuck that movie.
If it turns out that They Live was a warning film rather than… Well whatever it attempted to be, I sure as fuck would rather not see them.
Literately the same Playing the Nazi Card in the Third Reich
Too close for comfort