The best thing about someone using the term Trump derangement syndrome unironically is that I know I can just ignore them and nothing of value will be lost.
Yes, hating Trump is deranged, but this was not:
Anyone ever see one of these with Trump?
Btw, I got this simply from searching “Biden truck decal”. I got no negative top results searching Trump instead of Biden. In fact, this is the best one I got from adding anti- in front of Trump in the search (with relevant double-standard caption included):
So tell me again, who is deranged?
So I just googled “anti-trump car decals” and was given a link to buy anti-maga stickers on Amazon, and when I went to images I got to see some decent ones. But then I saw an article with the same truck in your second picture, stating the driver added another sticker to the back windshield saying “FUCK LOCAL SHERIFF’S NAME AND FUCK YOU FOR VOTING FOR HIM”
But then I saw an article with the same truck in your second picture, stating the driver added another sticker to the back windshield saying “FUCK LOCAL SHERIFF’S NAME AND FUCK YOU FOR VOTING FOR HIM”
Top tier boss bitch.
As a german: this is 1:1 the 3rd Reich playbook.
Stop it as long as you can!
It’s too late. It’s now on the rest of the world to prepare for the American Nazi regime
Last month, Elon Musk revived the term and told Fox News host Sean Hannity he used to be “adored by the left” until they were infected with TDS.
From what I remember, it had nothing to do with Trump and everything to do with you calling the experts who successfully rescued a bunch of children trapped in a cave, “pedo guy” along with all your other aggressive tactics to silence critics. Followed by the Twitter purchase.
If hating the guy who’s threatening to take over my country is an illness, then bring it on, I’ve got it bad.
Yes, Trump’s derangement can be classified as a completely new form of mental illness
They forgot the apostrophe!
Phhhs you people are getting so worked up over adolf hitler. Stop worrying guys! he’ll by gone by 1937
I wonder if those who believe in TDS would also believe in Trudeau Derangement Syndrome where one feels compelled to put “F🍁CK TRUDEAU” flags on everything. Realistically these people probably know nothing about Canadian politics though
Michigan Republicans
probably worth noting that their Governor is Tim Walz, the VP candidate from the last election. One of the few Democratic Party members who is in the news constantly for criticism of the current President.
Not that this has a chance to pass because the DFL controls the State Senate and the Governors office, but I be its a political ploy so they can say then need to remove Walz because he is mentally unsound.
Walz is the Minnesota governor, not Michigan.
doh, I need more coffee
I just type the wrong state, this is happening in Minnesota not Michigan
What is this comment section…
Can you explain? I don’t have a problem with what I see?
all the children are starting to come home for spring break.
my advice, ignore them. they’ll go back to college in a few months.
edit: downvote all you want, doesn’t make my point any less valid.