Lots of fruits are good with a bit of bacon. Especially if you have some brie in the mix but not only. Peaches with a caramelized onion and bacon jam, apple slices with a sliver of bacon or salami. Was it elvis who used to like peanut butter banana and bacon sandwiches?
Never heard of BEANS???
The magical fruit?
Pieces of melon wrapped with a little prosciutto is very good.
A nice ripe pear as well.
Bacon wrapped dates.
Lucky you. I’ve never found a date willing to wrap herself in bacon
Life Pro Tip.
Cook the bacon and let it cool first, before applying.
Chin up, mate. Your ship will come in some day.
Sounds like pemican
Green tomatoes fried in bacon fat? Sounds pretty good to me.
ikr OP has never been to a US county fair. They take any food, and deep-fry it.
That’s not the kind of fruit we’re talking about and you know it.
You’ve never had my lamb sausage dusted strawberries obviously.
Nowadays you may not find meat, but ‘authentic’ could still include suet.
Tomato is a fruit
Maple with a bit of meat sounds good (maple bacon)
Uh, where’s the fruit of a maple tree? The sap is good once boiled down, but maple isn’t a recognized fruit.