Is anyone else noticing an uptick in far-right content and Russian propaganda on reddit lately?
To me it almost seems like reddit has started pushing it.
No, I haven’t. Because I no longer go on Reddit.
I don’t know about Reddit as a whole but the subreddit for my country has not only been flooded with far right content, there has been a hostile takeover of the mod team. All of the sensible and balanced mods were forced out and replaced by fascist lunatics.
The r/Unitedkingdom subreddit seems to be in the process of being taken over. Constant posts about crimes that brown immigrants commit with the same type of comments. It seems like one half of the sub notice and keep calling it out but another cohort keep posting and commenting anti immigration rhetoric. Said posts get upvoted very quickly too.
It’s a stark contrast to how it was 5 or 10 years ago.
An uptick? Nah, it’s always been that way.
At the risk of going against the flow here…no?
I keep seeing Lemmy posts talking about how Reddit is going hard fascist…but half the posts on /r/all are about Trump being a rapist, or celebrating CyberTruck arson, or Luigi memes, etc.
I deleted my Reddit account during the third-party app bullshit and exclusively view it from the old site or OpenArtemis, so I’m not exactly going to defend them, but it isn’t nearly as bad as people on here claim it is.
Yeah, when I’ve visited there has been very small amounts of far right posts, maybe because of the algo?
I’m one week reddit free after 2 bans. I honestly don’t miss it. Recently it’s been all right-wing propaganda and conspiracies, getting banned for innocuous things, and general hate towards other users. That platform is dying fast. Here’s to Lemmy supremacy! 🥂
Maybe also has something to do with the uptick of banning left leaning people talking about the damage Trump and Musk are doing? There have been a TON of people here saying their 10+ year old accounts have been banned.
It’s everywhere. I’m guessing they have a lot extra free money to spend on propaganda now that they allies with the US.
Yes thats why I left
I don’t buy the whole Russia thing because it takes the burden of guilt off of the admin and makes them look like pawns. No, the admin would be this way regardless of Russia. The Russia connection is a symptom of MAGA, not the cause.
This is naive. Russia has been waging psychological warfare on us for literally decades. They are open about this. They’ve written books about it. It is LITERALLY Russian military doctrine.
I am NOT advocating for marching on Moscow. But to ignore the psychological warfare that was amplified by, yes willing conspirators which does indicate we DO have a root problem here too, is to ignore the circumstances that brought us here.
We are only here because of the combination of old-school crazies in the Heritage Foundation controlling Fox News/trad. media and our 4chan billionaires pushing all sorts of propaganda from the depths of the internet & 4chan, which is pretty much all Russian/chinese/iranian propaganda aimed at destabilizing trust within the west.
Sure people are stupid and like conspiracies — but the conspiracy sphere is EXACTLY a target of Russian propaganda because the user base already distrusts the government and they’re a user base that’s willing to push their beliefs onto others if you can convince them… see QANON. Qanon has deep ties to both Russia AND to the tech bros, namely Thiel and Musk.
This is only possible because of the MARRIAGE OF THESE IDEAS. They are equally to blame. We are at war with Russia as much as we are at war with our own traitorous billionaires.
My sentiments exactly. Been an increasing problem over there since 2016 that I noticed but I’m sure there was this bullshittery there before and I just wasn’t in the subreddits where it festered.
They’re getting a lot of pressure from the Trump administration to clamp down on leftist content and ease regulations on right wing stuff
Yeah, I don’t think it’s an uptick of Russians and right wingers so much as a downtick in sane and leftist comments.
WTF is Reddit?
Seriously though get off that site, it’s not good for you.
I’m just seeing a lot of sanitation of reddit. Must be making it advertiser friendly or kissing up to the admin.
Rather than an uptick of far-right, more like a downtick of genuine sensible people in contrast to them.
Those people are all being systematically banned or censored.
Sensible people? I seem to vaguely remember those there…
No longer on Reddit. That’s why I’m here. Kept getting banned because, “who knows”?
“Why am I banned?”