The European Union is preparing for a scenario in which the conclusions of the 20-21 March summit on Ukraine could be approved without Hungary’s support, as the country has publicly opposed them.
The EU needs to just get a spine and suspend Hungary already or something. Especially now that Hungary has banned Pride and is threatening to use facial ID software to arrest anyone who participates. Just get fucked, Hungary.
The EU needs to just get a spine and suspend Hungary already or something. Especially now that Hungary has banned Pride and is threatening to use facial ID software to arrest anyone who participates. Just get fucked, Hungary.
This is how you know Europe is still in a reactive posture and not willing (able) to set the agenda.
If they had any brains they would shut down all air traffic, land borders and block all financial transactions without warning.
This is a reasonable course of action as Hungary is openly collobariting with russia and representing russian interests.