For all of those complaining about the chess pieces or whether either of these guys could understand how to play the game – how about this. Putin side is the same, looking at a chess board doesn’t imply intelligence. If you need something, maybe rearrange the chess pieces to show he isn’t really that tactical. Change Trump’s side to him sleeping and shitting himself with hamberder chunks and stains down his shirt.
For all of those complaining about the chess pieces or whether either of these guys could understand how to play the game – how about this. Putin side is the same, looking at a chess board doesn’t imply intelligence. If you need something, maybe rearrange the chess pieces to show he isn’t really that tactical. Change Trump’s side to him sleeping and shitting himself with hamberder chunks and stains down his shirt.
In chess, white has a natural advantage.
Cartoon would work better IMO if Trump had checkers