be richest person
crash the biggest economy in the world
buy the remains for cheap
not exactly a complicated plan.
maga voters want this to happen. they crave being worse off.
That guy is forgetting that the jobs report is produced by a government agency, so what makes him think they’re going to report accurate numbers?
Billionaire Disaster Capitalism - billionaires create their own disasters and then profit immensely off of them
And, look, I’m not a hedge analyst or an economist, but even I can see that the comedown from the tariffs is going to have a huge negative impact on the stock market.
So, genuine question here, if this recession comes along with the stock market dip, will that cause a spiral that leads to another great depression?
Maybe? I do know that Elon is going after the agency that runs the FDIC. The FDIC insures the bank’s money. I don’t see how they don’t see how shitty this is going to be for all of them too. It’s insane.
Crises are a feature of capitalism. Marx talked about this. Things become hell for the working class, and the capitalists reap the rewards.
That being said there is yet to be a system that does not have crises.
We haven’t tried many
Humanity has, the one with the least propensity to experience crises is the one most nations are following.
Controlled economies are much less stable but Marx was unaware of that as economics in his time was less data driven and more philosophical.
Controlled economies are much less stable
Said in thread about how nuking the control over the economy is about to cause a recession. Yeah, sure.
Deregulation almost always leads to the working class being robbed, the land poisoned, and people killed.
This is the point. They want to crash the economy.
I mean, he said so himself even before the election. We just have the fucking stupidest, god awful people in this country that apparently wanted it.