Working on a project, for whatever reason one of the pages I’m reading up on doesn’t load the math formulas, instead showing error messages. Frankly it’s annoying, as they were literally displaying perfectly fine the other day. Any help on this? Searching the internet brings up nothing useful.
Edit: This was on firefox. Checked it on my phone’s firefox and chrome browsers and it still shows the error. This is probably on Wikipedia’s side of things.
Probably a transient error. Have you tried clearing your browser cache and refreshing the page? (Usually Ctrl+R or Ctrl+F5; dunno about Macs)
It’s happening on multiple people’s devices, seemingly only the same equations.
Is it possible wiki caches the rendered latex on some event like page edits saved, ran into an error during that, and is now serving the errors from a cache?
Otherwise there must be an issue with these specific equations?
Seems plausible. When you edit the page and render a preview without changing anything, the formulas render correctly.
Didn’t work :/