Are there any danes here, that could chime in? The idea of having an almost entirely digitized society feels so scary to me. Everything having mobile apps, no cash? Feels like a horror story given the implications on privacy. I couldn’t even run most of the the so called secure apps on my lineageOS. My bank knowing exactly when I payed how much money for what would be so dystopian to me. Are there other methods available to protect your privacy in Denmark? Or does there truly not anyone give a shit about their digital footprint?
Dane here.
Indeed it’s essentially impossible to minimise your digital footprint because there is no cash.
This is so blatantly false, IDK how any Dane could believe this???
We do absolutely have cash, and it’s legal tender, which means cash can’t be refused as payment.
Except we also have an anti corruption law, which states we can’t make cash payments above $3000.
So that’s kind of weird?I imagine OP isn’t saying that there literally is no such thing as cash in Denmark but something more nuanced like “cash is becoming rare.”
No idea about Denmark’s laws but there are companies (edit: I mean “countries” not companies) where cash is yes still the legal tender but payment at some businesses can only be made cashless. Denmark may have a law stating businesses must accept cash, but you can certainly have systems where cash is legal tender but some businesses will not accept it.
you can certainly have systems where cash is legal tender but some businesses will not accept it.
Not by normal laws, legal tender means you have to accept it. It’s not just that it’s not illegal to use. Credit cards for instance are NOT legal tender, meaning a business does not have to accept them, but you can use them almost everywhere.
Legal tender is a form of money that courts of law are required to recognize as satisfactory payment
And just in case you think I’m BS’ing here is an actual government policy explicitly stating that stores can refuse cash payments
Eh OK so Singapore have rules that are different. But as I clearly linked, that is not the “normal” definition.
I do agree it’s “not normal,” especially in the West. It does seem to be significantly more common across Asia.
And I suspect it’ll become more common across the West.
And I hate it. Cash is still king for me for whatever reason.