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That’s pretty cool. Nothing is gonna happen.
Edit: Being told a protest won’t change anything disrupts the brain’s balance of dopamine, serotonin, cortisol, and oxytocin, triggering feelings of frustration, disconnection, and powerlessness.
30k ppl showed up. That happened.
Damn straight. Right after a previous rally where 15k showed up.
These rallies are how you organize people. This is exactly what needs to be happening.
These rallies are how you organize people.
They’re… Not. They’re literally not organizing anyone. You organize people by giving them things to do, and on that particular front Bernie is failing miserably.
I’m hoping this is the recruitment phase for something.
I’d like it to be, but seeing Bernie’s track record over the last decade I’m not convinced.
And yet…. Nothing is happening.
Well what the fuck are you doing about besides bitching on the internet? I’m genuinely asking because it seems like you’re doing nothing as well. We are way past the time to sit around and expect shit to get done without doing something ourselves.
Protesting in a group and then going home is sitting around and doing nothing, just in the cold.
Me? I’m causing property damage to right-wing things. Obviously saying more would be dumb. Could I do more? Yes.
But, complaining to me like this is enough and I’m the bad guy isn’t going to get us anywhere.
3 months into Trump’s term. These numbers are enormous. I predict the crowds will continue to grow larger.
I agree with you. Crowds will become larger, and they will go home.
You’re a tool lmao. If you want to be cynical about everything and shit on everyone congrats to you. So brave. So helpful. You’re truly the bastion of salvation brother.
He is setting up AOC to be the next president.
There won’t be another election unless something happens.
To those downvoting blakenong, have a read of this.
The day was described by social movement researchers as “the largest protest event in human history”.[1]
I don’t want to burst the feeling of optimism, but unless there’s consequences, a general strike, riots, whatever, I don’t know, something, nothing will happen.
If everyone goes back to their day job after standing out in the cold for a day or two and then pats themselves on the back saying “yeah, we showed them”, then nothing changes.
Protest is dead. The powers that be don’t care if there’s a million people shouting and screaming. Unless they suffer consequences, nothing will change.
Exactly. As horrific as the Kent State Massacre was, it changed people’s perceptions of the anti-war protestors. Suddenly these weren’t just a bunch of whiny kids who didn’t want to get drafted, these were people who didn’t want to die senseless deaths. Imagine if the Kent State Massacre never happened and the protest carried on without incident. Nothing would have changed.
Thank you
You don’t turn 30k heads and be like meh, not only people are fed up people are finally realizing they fucked up. It’s ok to turn around unlike you.
I feel like I wanna point to all the times a big protest amounted to nothing because people just went home after and did nothing.
Sometimes we need to move beyond reductive outcomes based thinking and put some energy into how we get there. This is, at the very least, how we start.
Oh, did we decide on a plan yet? Or are we just meeting in groups for no reason? Can you link me to this plan? Can I see the progression? Are there any projected timelines?
If this is a project, which it is, we should have some kind of data to look at.
And since there is none, this is just going nowhere.
Stfu grok
Is Bernie passing the torch to AOC?
Hopefully. He hasn’t done much in the way of creating his successor this far, and he’s gonna have to retire soon.
Is this the beginning of a 2028 campaign?
I do think Bernie is setting her up for that kind of run, since she will be old enough to be president. Could see her and Mayor Pete running a ticket together
Yikes, centrist Pete who helped prevent Bernie in 2020.
Would much rather see Jon Stewart as her VP. What a duo.
Also, Tim Walz would be a fantastic option, both as President and as VP.
It would be the mother of all ironies if the Trump government removed term limits, only for AOC/Stewart/Walz/Kulinski to come out winning and pull an FDR, turning the US into a socialdemocratic paradise.
Alas, I don’t expect there to be any more elections.
Why do people keep saying this about Jon Stewart? He’s a comedian, and he has said over and over and over and over and over that he will not run for public office, ever.
I hear ya. I think people keep latching onto him because of the 9/11 firefighters thing. I’m aware that as far as Jon is concerned, he didn’t do shit, and I understand why he feels that way. I also understand that to a large number of people, it very much looked like he showed up, yelled at Congress for a few days, and got them to actually pass the first bill, to help the people, that we have seen them pass in decades.
The 9/11 firefighters bill is evidence that Jon doesn’t have the stomach for day to day politics. He handled it well but he has spoken repeatedly on how frustrating the experience was. I doubt that, at this stage in his career, he’d want to do that everyday.
I don’t think Jon would make a good politician. He’s an exceptional communicator and has all the ideas that progressives want to see get attention but the day to day of politics is soul sucking and doesn’t seem like it’s his cup of tea.
Watch his TheWeeklyShow videos. Less comedy, more political.
I do. It doesn’t change what he has said repeatedly: he has no interest in running for office.
It’s inconsequential that’s he’s a comedian. He’s a popular dude who believed in righting a wrong. I recall that there is a certain leader of a certain country who was a comedian.
I get that he’s repeatedly stated he will not run for public office but most people often change their minds if the circumstances are just right.
So the question is, what would it take for him to change his mind?
The world is a much different place right now than it was just a few months ago.
Edited - Added some clarifying points.
I hope you’re right. Zelenskyy not being a politician probably helped him win an election in a country with a history of corruption. People were sick of the status quo and picked an outsider in the hopes it would improve things. It would be great if that happened here. (I don’t consider Trump an outsider, that was just part of the grift)
Part of the reason it can be annoying when people keep suggesting Stewart run for office is that it distracts from actual candidates who are willing to run. And false optimism isn’t exactly a good strategy in times like these.
I would love to be proven wrong, though.
Would much rather see Jon Stewart as her VP. What a duo.
Jasmine Crocket would be fantastic, too. or Al Green. Walz. My vote would be someone whose out there fighting and has government experience.
Oh please don’t. I love her and Bernie but he’s too old and she’s too female/not white. Find a white man who is just okay and fix democracy before trying again with a woman.
2028 might be the only time to even consider a dark skinned woman tbh. People wouldn’t have voted for Obama if they hadn’t been fed up with Bush’s bullshit war (which Obama then of course did almost nothing to pull out of). If the American people are EVER going to vote for AOC it’ll be because the economy is shit from an old white man fucking everything up for everyone.
Dont you think society has gotten less racist as time has gone on? Less misogynistic too (though less noticeable there). I’ve noticed even in my lifetime, though progress is slow and there are pockets of resistance and some backsliding, like Andrew Tate.
I think it’s too risky now to consider anyone but an old white guy (this is assuming a fair election even takes place). I wouldn’t put it past the American public to vote in another MAGA rather than a woman.
As I said before: this is the way. I’m glad they finally seem to understand it. The other day someone published that Sanders went somewhere and told a lot of working class people that Trump is messing with them. I’m sure they don’t need an octogenarian politician, a US Senator, to tell them they are being fucked by whom. Sanders and AOC need to build a discourse that goes beyond that. They need to go there and tell the people how to get out of this. They need a plan, they need to share it and let the people be a part of it.
Performative politicking