Some democrats were willing to sing with Al Green during the censure hearing. But even so, other Democrats voted to censure Green.
When the ones backing Green sang a protest song after censure there was a counter chorus of republicans demanding Johnson have them dragged them out by security immediately. But they kept singing.
The fascists crumpled and went to recess without motion.
Imagine not just listening to the fascists for once, FFS.
What do you mean? Some of them wore pink to protest… Or blue and yellow ties in support of Ukraine… Or held up small signs… If that doesn’t save America, I don’t know what will!
Massive /s
I was alive and old enough in 2009 to remember when Joe Wilson interrupted Obama’s SOTU address by shouting “You Lie!”. Pepperidge farm remembers
The woman who failed to give a hand job in a musical is going to be so proud when she can no longer vote for some reason.
It feels more like the punishment was based on the letter next to their name as opposed to the color of their skin, but maybe that’s just me.
Por que no los dos?
Iirc, the difference was who had control of the House. Both times, the Republicans controlled the House.
10 democrats joined Republicans in voting for the censure.
Vote blue no matter who!
I definitely didn’t watch it for fear of hearing Trump’s voice, but it seemed like Al Green wouldn’t stop, which was why he was removed. Correct me if in wrong, cause I’m not going to watch it.
I mean yeah that was the point. He was calling out a dictatorial government for dismantling necessary government programs and institutions that tons of Americans rely on until they removed him from the room. Which is awesome! It’s the kind of shit more Democrats should be doing.
Him getting removed isn’t the problem, it was the fact that 10 cowards from his own party voted to censure him for it and a bunch of other Dems sat by and did nothing.