Ranked as follows:
5) Grey’s Anatomy, 4) House M.D., 3) ER, 2) St. Elsewhere, 1) Scrubs
AI-summary of page:
This article ranks popular medical shows based on their accuracy in portraying hospital situations. It highlights inaccuracies in shows like Grey’s Anatomy, House M.D., and ER, while praising Scrubs for its realism. The article also debunks common medical myths perpetuated by TV shows, such as doctors operating outside their specialty and patients being revived just in time for commercial breaks.
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Scrubs is widely considered the most realistic depiction of the medical field
Ranked as follows: 5) Grey’s Anatomy, 4) House M.D., 3) ER, 2) St. Elsewhere, 1) Scrubs
AI-summary of page: This article ranks popular medical shows based on their accuracy in portraying hospital situations. It highlights inaccuracies in shows like Grey’s Anatomy, House M.D., and ER, while praising Scrubs for its realism. The article also debunks common medical myths perpetuated by TV shows, such as doctors operating outside their specialty and patients being revived just in time for commercial breaks.