That’s only in the movies though. In the books, Harry is around same height as Ron but lankier.
Wait, does it explicitly write that somewhere?
The books imply that Harry doesn’t find Hermione very attractive. (Remember: Hermione isn’t Emma Watson.)
fake: The books forgot Hermiones buck teeth gay: Harry doesn’t find Emma Watson attractive.
I genuinely think the author just put those two together because they knew everyone was expecting Harr-mione to happen. Tried to subvert expectations.
IIRC, she said it was wish fulfillment on her part, with Hermione standing in for JKR and Ron being like someone JKR liked when she was younger.
I mean, she was very reactionary with her writing book to book.
Don’t forget ron was also British
They all were?
So was Harry?
Harry was from Surrey doesnt count.
Im a Californian I am just talking shit with no backing.
I imagine most Americans picture something like Surrey when they imagine rural England.
Surrey is as British as it gets!
Surry is the shire.
Harry potter doesn’t really fit into the chosen one archetype any more than anyone else. The only person that “chose” him is his mom, which makes him equally special to almost every other person on the planet.
Anyway, fuck jk rowling
Trelawney made a prophecy and Voldemort decided Harry fit the bill, although Neville also met the criteria. Voldemort went to the Potter house to kill Harry, end his biggest rival before he could grow up, and create a horcrux from the murder of his enemy. Voldemort chose Harry.
Also these books are so fucking racist. “Cho chang”. We should stop talking about them.
“Seamus Finnigan”
“Kingsley Shacklebolt”
Holy shit, I didn’t even consider this one until now…
Potatofamine carbomb
So much writing has been done about how Cho Chang is a perfectly reasonable name that I don’t even understand how it’s still out there. It’s amazing how disinformation Never Dies.
It would have been funny af to watch Neville Longbottom as the main character of the series and the marketing hype train having to tiptoe the last name. I know Harry Potter as a name sounds better but imagine everyone dressing up as Neville for Halloween
triwizard champion
you mean the tournament where all his real competition was taken out by voldemort?
You don’t win the Daytona 500 without a few cars wrecking
A win is a win.