Chess960 is better than Standard chess.
There’s no public debt crisis. People don’t understand how government debt works. One casualty of this is the slow green transition which will cost us dearly in the future.
Religions are mostly just popularized conspiracy theories. Believing in God is about as realistic as believing the world is flat.
health insurance != healthcare
health insurance profits only exist at the expense of human suffering.
but lets make sure everyone has insurance but not care
Not a single one of the Marvel movies are good. They just use dopaminergic techniques to teach brains to enjoy them.
Subscription service is really convenient.
US Senators and congressmen are underpaid. Their salaries should be doubled. The president should make at least a $1 million a year, directly paid by taxpayers.
Reason: If I, the taxpayer, pay them, then they have to work for me. The payment makes that service relationship explicit. I pay you, you work for me. And, yes, the current pay is too little, $174,000 - barely comparable to tech workers.
Only taking $1 is an invitation for corruption. (Not claiming it happened, but it is an invitation.)