Yeah, it’s the nature of dog whistles but 88 is the only one I remember. Even so I’d probably assume birth year and think nothing of it, but I understand the concern.
Nah, you’re good. None of the gods are prejudiced in any tradition, but for causing us to learn, and to borrow an old expression, when we fail to grasp mercy, we get severity. Put another way, hard head, soft backside.
I would use this as a gamer tag but I’m afraid people would think it’s Nazi related with the two “88’s”
Unless your name is AryanWarrior1488 I doubt anyone would bat an eye.
Yeah, it’s the nature of dog whistles but 88 is the only one I remember. Even so I’d probably assume birth year and think nothing of it, but I understand the concern.
Yeah, it’s totally understandable to be worried, in general. It’s not exactly ideal to be perceived as a racist.
I was thinking it would make a great book title for a novel about an underground cult of Voodoo practicing Nazis.
The Loa aren’t going to be providing a gateway to Nazis. Those folks have their own gods
Please meet the Orishas.
Did I mess that up? It’s been decades since I studied Voudon.
Nah, you’re good. None of the gods are prejudiced in any tradition, but for causing us to learn, and to borrow an old expression, when we fail to grasp mercy, we get severity. Put another way, hard head, soft backside.
People were born in '88, unless someone’s throwing up other red flags that alone doesn’t raise suspicion
People were also born on the 14th in '88. Any of 'em who have sense don’t put that in their username though, at least for very long.
Source: my poor brother.
If your brother didn’t also include the month then it is pretty sus.
If they did include their entire birth date, then they clearly didn’t understand the rules of the internet.
No, he had sense to not ever include any of it from the get-go. Plenty of websites and services suggested he include 88 in his username though.
Oh, gotcha!
average insurgency: sandstorm user
Two 88’s is a hit on my nazidar tbh, I’d assume the best intentions but I wouldn’t be shocked. .