Dogfucker will be the next gender to be defended, don’t worry.
“My gender is a quintuple-spirit, a label I’ve created; I believe my gender identity combines elements normally included in different gender labels and I feel NB is too broad” - Conceptually valid. I can’t say how true or ‘deep’ any given gender label is, but I’m generally inclined to let people be themselves and try to assist them in their journeys of self-discovery, whether this is where it begins or ends. Rock on, Spirit-Of-Many-Spirits.
Don’t compare that troll to dogs
Dogfucker will be the next gender to be defended, don’t worry.
“My gender is a quintuple-spirit, a label I’ve created; I believe my gender identity combines elements normally included in different gender labels and I feel NB is too broad” - Conceptually valid. I can’t say how true or ‘deep’ any given gender label is, but I’m generally inclined to let people be themselves and try to assist them in their journeys of self-discovery, whether this is where it begins or ends. Rock on, Spirit-Of-Many-Spirits.
“My gender is a chair.” - Nonsense.
You’re really laying it on thick here how much you love queer people. Slippery slope fallacies galore.
“Gay people wanna be married? What’s next, men and dogs?! Men and chairs?!”