This hypothesized ninth planet (not you, sorry Pluto) might explain the unusual commonalities of extreme trans-Neptunian objects (ETNOs) 100s of AU from the sun. These ETNOs (such as dwarf planets and sednoids) have remarkably aligned orbits, suggest the existence of an undiscovered celestial body, dubbed Planet Nine, influencing them gravitationally.
I cant believe they are turning Neptunian objects extremely trans
That’s why the government is trying to cencor Planet Nine’s Existence!
Back in my day is was called Planet X. Sad
Musk ruined the mystique of that letter
Well without Pluto it would be planet 9 not 10
X is so much more than just the Roman numeral.
I thought Planet X was a hypothetical inner planet?
Nah, it’s the same thing. Just renamed to planet nine now.
Get the space platforms ready lads were going to the shattered planet.
Get your biter eggs on board. We gonna make promethium science.
Pluto will always be the ninth planet in my book.
It can’t be the ninth planet. It literally can’t. It’s either not a planet, or its the tenth planet.
Everyone forgetting about my boy, Ceres.
Exactly! Fair enough if you want to define a planet as “anything big enough to be rounded by self-gravity, but too small to undergo fusion in its core.” But there is no definition of a planet, (or at least one without an arbitrary rule like "planets have to be X km in diameter,) that allows Pluto to be a planet without Ceres also being a planet.
Even if it’s a dwarf planet, it’s still a planet. It’s right there in the name: dwarf planet.
This article should be about “Planet 18” since Wikipedia recognizes 17 planets already.
Do you put butterflies on your toast?
Free protein!
Nibiru who come around every few thousand years so the ( i think reptilian ) that live on it can harvest our gold ans human for slavery
It’s a nice rabbit hole to follow