Was banned from [email protected] for calling out a Mod’s misuse of the Egg prime directive to criticize trans people for helping out trans women in denial of their trans-ness. They’re denying the validity of signs of being transgender, what the actual fuck, this shit is not okay. Then after banning me that dipshit locks the post so no one else can reply on it. How is this not power-tripping?
Modlog history for my account: https://discuss.online/modlog?userId=11993717
Hey wait a minute, you’re that dipshit who misgendered someone and said that Neopronouns aren’t valid. You have zero credibility in trans spaces and you should be banned from all of them, go fuck yourself you bigoted piece of shit.
Best to come with receipts when you say stuff like that about someone.
Here’s a public comment of this asshole denying the validity of nounself pronouns:
Throughout that thread they refused to use the correct neopronouns of that person (drag/dragself) and constantly criticized drag for it.
you literally linked to a comment in which Draconic_NEO said explicitly that neopronouns like xe/xer are valid. and last i checked, calling nounself pronouns “confusing and unintuitive” is not the same as calling them invalid. if you cannot find a concrete example of someone saying they believe something apart from one where they literally say the opposite of that thing, consider rethinking your stance.
He’s arguing that they shouldn’t be used because they’re “confusing and unintuitive” he’s denying the validity of them and refusing to use them, instead calling people who use them trolls. Dumbass is justifying his transphobia by referencing DroneRights and claiming people use those pronouns only to troll. What a repulsive thing to say about a trans person.
@[email protected] you should be ashamed of yourself, and be banned from every instance on the Fediverse like the hateful transphobic troll you are.
for fuck’s sake, chill. they were calling out one specific trans person who was harassing people who weren’t using their preferred pronouns.
Draconic_NEO thinks that while trans people are valid, and neopronouns like xe/xer are valid, neoprounouns like “drag” that refer only to a single person cease to function as pronouns. when a word refers exclusively to a single person, that word is a proper noun. Draconic_NEO also thinks that hounding people over failure to use neopronouns is not especially poggers. these are both very reasonable stances.
by your comment history i’m guessing you’ve just started hormones. you’re definitely not the first trans girl who’s gone through a major emotional phase. hormones are running high – it’s no surprise you’re prone to lashing out. but i’d like to remind you that you’re saying that someone hates all trans people based on an opinion in reference to neopronouns, which are an entirely separate issue from the concept of transness and a contentious topic even among nonbinary people – an opinion, i might add, that that person has demonstrated they do not hold.
personally, I’d advocate against someone being banned from the entire Fediverse if they said being gay should be illegal – and i am gay. people’s opinions can change, and permanent bans from entire platforms do nothing except make them more bitter and more hateful. you can ban assholes from communities, and if you disagree with the mods on whether someone should be banned, lemmy has a block button for a reason.
more to the point, though, the point of the fediverse is, and has been from its inception, uncensorable freedom of speech. the fact that no corporation – and by extension no individual – can tell you what you can and can’t say, regardless of what that is, is literally the entire point. the fediverse is an unfathomably large place, not limited to the five or six instances you keep hearing about, and it is designed specifically so that it is impossible to completely ban someone. in fact, TruthSocial (Donald Tr*mp’s personal Tw*tter clone) is a Mastodon instance. the price we pay for nobody being able to tell us what we can and can’t post about here on fedi with regard to queerness is that we have no means to fight back against anti-gay/anti-trans dipshits besides defederation and the block button.
also, pro tip: pinging someone over and over and calling them a hateful bigot, especially when they aren’t, doesn’t make them change their mind, it just makes them annoyed at you.