My favourite has got be Mario Kart Wii, it’s still got a community and I’d say it is the Melee of Mario kart.
Plenty of good tracks, roster and bopping music.
What about you? What is your favourite Mario kart? I know Double Dash has a soft spot in some people’s hearts.
Wii. The driving always felt perfect in that game, the other games don’t control as well in my opinion. 8 Deluxe feels like a letdown with its lack of unlockable characters and karts which I felt was one of the most fun parts about Wii.
Gotta be Wii for me for the reasons you suggested. Great atmosphere and level design
But something about playing long, grinding balloon battles on DS with 7 other people on the school bus will always stick with me
MK8D would be perfect if only battle mode wasn’t such a mess. If they could just take MK64 battle mode and implement it exactly as is in MK8D, it would be perfection.
I grew up on 64, but 8 Deluxe is incredible. Great variety of courses and karts, great mechanics.
Totally agree. The one I play nowadays is 8D, but I’ll never forget Moo Moo Farm and it’s catchy tune on the N64.
Isn’t Moo Moo Farm playable on Mario Kart 8 Deluxe?
Sort of, it’s got Moo Moo Meadows which is originally from the wii game I think. That’s also a great one, and the music really slaps, but the n64 tune has that sweet sweet banjo plucking. It always takes me back!
64 for nostalgia, 8dx for map selection/visuals/characters
I grew up on Double Dash, but MK8D offers so much choice and variety that nothing else comes close - at least for pick-up-and-play casual games.
Mario Kart DS
I did play a lot of 64 and Double Dash back in the day but DS is by far my favourite.