So… COD is planning on doing what Battlefield: Bad Company 2 did 14 years ago?
Congrats, I guess
Also red faction: guerrilla. had fantastic building destruction
Can I ask who cares about this kind of thing? Why don’t they have more jobs for “making the games fun”? There seems to me to be a point where added realism is detrimental to fun, especially when resources are directed away from the fun.
But destruction IS fun. Especially after the round ends and you see a literal battlefield with half of the trees gone
Of course it’s fun. But is more realistic destruction more fun?
I’m trying to come up with an answer any other than “well, yes”, because, well, yes. What I understand by realistic is “non-scripted, simulated”. Bad Company didn’t have that, the destruction there was fully scripted, especially houses falling apart, which were essentially animations, so it became predictable pretty fast.
Bad Company 2 was fun as hell and it had lots of destructive environments. I’d argue that was part of the fun.