Everyone in the US who isn’t actively kissing Trump’s ass needs to get really fucking loud and really fucking angry about this.
This man is a legal resident with a green card and ICE blatantly ignored that. They threatened to arrest his 8-month pregnant wife (who is a US citizen) in her home. They moved him across state lines and didn’t tell anyone where he was. They kidnapped him.
This is fucking fascism. America is a fascist nation.
These tactics will continue to be used against any dissidents who stand up to that fat fucking flesh blimp.
At the bare minimum write your representatives and ask why they think this is okay. Start protesting. Do not comply in advance. We can’t stay silent.
Of course he’s coming for education. Under-education is the thing that got him elected in the first place so be prepare for an even more brainwashed america, if that’s even possible.
“I love the poorly educated” -Donald Trump at a campaign rally in 2015. And the crowd cheered.
Funny how you can immediately tell the text was not written by Trump himself because it is way to coherent.
At the same time, the akward Hebrew usage shows ignorance. Here “Shalom” is used casually like “seeya”, unaware that it’s deeper meaning is “peace, wholeness, well-being”, in comflict to the violence of his arrest.