Maybe coconut water or aloe vera gel, I imagine it’d feel weird but probably not regrettable.
I guess we’ve got to beat Cleopatra as our baseline with her bath of asp milk.
Marmite would probably veer into the regrettable category, and I’m saying that as a marmite enjoyer
coconut water
in a heartbeat
aloe vera
I can imagine this feeling really tingly after a while, though not sure why.
asp milk
what is this? I googled and found nothing
I too partake joyfully in that hellish sludge, and have wondered what depths of depravity I would willingly go to to satisfy that dark craving
Wikipedia says donkey milk was used by Cleopatra, not asp milk. Maybe OP meant ass milk and got autocorrected, but that sounds really wrong.
An asp is a type of snake so that sounds uhh, difficult
You can milk snake venom. Still doesn’t sound too easy.
Heavy water - like water, just heavier.
What dilution? 25% makes you sterile and 50% kills you after a week of drinking it
Gallium? It’s solid at room temperature, but your own body heat will melt it, so you lie down on a solid block of metal and then slowly sink into a melting puddle in the middle of it. It’s non-toxic and six times denser than water so you’d be really floaty on it too
150 litres of Gallium would cost $130800
Sounds like something out of a horror film. Your body heat melts you into the material. Then, as heat gets distributed and you have more skin contact, you are no longer generating enough heat to keep the gallium melted.
You either suffocate as the material solidifies around your abdomen or you freeze to death as the material pulls enough heat from you to kill you.
Actually because of the density you wont be able to sink more than about 1/6th of your body into it.
I feel like this is worth uploading to Lemmy. It’s an image, apparently from October 1972’s National Geographic, of a Spanish miner floating on mercury:
It’s denser than lead, so he’s just sitting on the top of it like a block of styrofoam would on water. The effect of gallium would not be quite so pronounced, but same idea. This is also why you can’t really drown in quicksand unless you work at it (which, if you completely panic, isn’t impossible).
Meanwhile, you sink straight to the bottom in anything like oil, with no hope of swimming.
So, if you laid on a large enough block of it, you’d have the perfect shape to make a mold for a customized foam mattress?
I suspect there’s an easier choice, if a dense bed is all you need. Every liter of the stuff goes for 872 USD as of 2019. And that’s not even bad, considering how rare it is and how great the semiconductors you can make with it are. It’s neighbor germanium is another digit up.
Edit: Wow, somebody already linked this exact thing elsewhere.