We need to fight fire with fire.
What is up with three recent useless censoring of normal words?
Who the fuck thinks, that 'Nazi" needs to be censored?
Well, as a word. The people themselves are a different topic…The generation after millennials have been taught to prolifically self-censor by social media platforms.
They can’t even just say someone died. It’s absurd. Death is a fact of life, one of only two truly universal experiences, and they can’t even mention it without using clunky stupid sounding euphemisms.
Who the fuck thinks, that 'Nazi" needs to be censored?
The social media platforms that it was posted to before Lemmy
*shitty social media platforms
That’s implied
They’re not all shitty.
The only non violent thing that puts those kinds of people in their place is to be humiliated somehow. But you have to remember, the things they feel are extremely embarrassing are different than what regular people find embarrassing.
Things that make them seem weak, insecure, vulnerable, etc are what you have to highlight. Having extramarital affairs? Avoiding taxes? Manipulating share prices? Nah, they feel strong when they do those. Their followers see them as a strongman who does what he wants. But this guy is actually 5’2"? This guy shit himself in public? This guy threw a terrible opening pitch at a baseball game? That’s what makes their followers lose interest. You have to consider what would make their followers think of the strongman as a weak loser.
And that’s why they come after the media, and starve artists. One of their biggest weaknesses is satire
Sic semper tyrannis. The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi.
Repiblicans have absolutely weaponized decorum. Watching them smugly talk down to Dems while being offended over the slightest thing is grade school bully tactics and of course all the people who cheered the bullies on have grown up and vote for those same bullies.
We actually need to fight “fire” with napalm bombs and flamethrowers. Also a one time recording of the Geneva convention rules.
But most of all, we need to stop giving mercy. Did this Nazi blink today? Death. Did they have a thought happen to them? Death. Did they exist in a non dead state? Death. The only punishment they need.
It’s Nazi genocide time boys. Any help given to them is meet with immediate sharing of the punishment. There can be nothing less in a world with a future.
Take care you don’t stare too long into that abyss, friend.