The plan is called “Catch and Deport” and involves searching international students’ social media accounts
So long as they don’t conflate “Hamas” and “Palestinians”… which they will… so fuck’em.
Well, the comment that showed bust above yours shows an article from NYT doing exactly that 😮💨
(From webghodt0101 :
Yeah, that’s exactly what I thought. Any criticism of Israel, and support for Palestinian civilians, will be “pro Hamas”
Anyone who actually is pro Hamas deserves everything they get, of course.
Hamas supporting you say? In my Feed this posts is only a few away from this one.
Trump administration reportedly to use
AI“AI” to findHamas-supporting foreignstudents to deport.Dear credulous capitalist media… Stop recycling fash bullshit.
From their about us page:
The Forward has always been a not-for-profit association and is supported by the contributions of its readers.
Nah, the NYTimes is a fash rag now. They have been since they took up the anti trans bullshit a few years ago. They are all about genocide of Palestinians. Fuck them.
Excellent. Hamas are terrorists. Fuck them, and anyone that supports them.