I’m trying to rationlize a false memory(?) Apparently a group of cats is actually a Clowder. Nowhere else on the internet calls it a Whisper?

I swear I was taught this the same day I learned ‘a school of fish’ and ‘a murder of crows.’ I remembered it all these years because I’d always think ‘whispuuurrrr’ in my head.

Help me out of my denial. 😭

  • snooggums@lemmy.world
    15 hours ago

    School of fish is common enough to say that is what the group is called, just like many groups of mammals are herds or packs depending on whether they are predators or prey. A murder of crows is common enough in memes to say the term is currently used although a flock of crows is probably even more commonly used in the real world because flocks is used a lot for birds.

    If it isn’t commonly used then that isn’t what they are called in the modern day or is only used in specific contexts.

    Most of the things you will see online are either something that was used for a period of time in the past, used in a very limited context, or someone being creative on the internet and it getting repeated in those lists that are as reliable as the ones that attribute quotes to the wrong people. If you watch very many nature shows and haven’t heard the term, then it probably isn’t a common use and could be the latter.