A survey of more than 2,000 smartphone users by second-hand smartphone marketplace SellCell found that 73% of iPhone users and a whopping 87% of Samsung Galaxy users felt that AI adds little to no value to their smartphone experience.
SellCell only surveyed users with an AI-enabled phone – thats an iPhone 15 Pro or newer or a Galaxy S22 or newer. The survey doesn’t give an exact sample size, but more than 1,000 iPhone users and more than 1,000 Galaxy users were involved.
Further findings show that most users of either platform would not pay for an AI subscription: 86.5% of iPhone users and 94.5% of Galaxy users would refuse to pay for continued access to AI features.
From the data listed so far, it seems that people just aren’t using AI. In the case of both iPhone and Galaxy users about two-fifths of those surveyed have tried AI features – 41.6% for iPhone and 46.9% for Galaxy.
So, that’s a majority of users not even bothering with AI in the first place and a general disinterest in AI features from the user base overall, despite both Apple and Samsung making such a big deal out of AI.
Not only that, but Google assistant is getting consistently less reliable. Like half the time now I ask it a question and it just does an image search or something or completely misunderstands me in some other manner. They deserted working, decent tech for unreliable, unwanted tech because ???
I want a voice assistant that can set timers for me and search the internet maybe play music from an app I select. I only ever use it when I am cooking something and don’t have my hands free to do those things.
only corporations ever pushed it, customers do not want it or need it.
I do not need it, and I hate how it’s constantly forced upon me.
Current AI feels like the Metaverse. There’s no demand for it or need for it, yet they’re trying their damndest to shove it into anything and everything like it’s a new miracle answer to every problem that doesn’t exist yet.
And all I see it doing is making things worse. People use it to write essays in school; that just makes them dumber because they don’t have to show they understand the topic they’re writing. And considering AI doesn’t exactly have a flawless record when it comes to accuracy, relying on it for anything is just not a good idea currently.
As an android user (Pixel), I’ve only ever opened AI by accident. My work PC is a mac and it force-reenables apple intelligence after every update. I dutifully go into settings and disable that shit. While summarizing things is something AI can be good at, I generally want to actually read the detail of work communications since, as a software engineer, detail is a teeeny bit important.
Id take Bixby back over this forced AI crap.
I mean I wouldn’t but you know…
Ai sucks and is a waste of humanity’s resources. I hate how everything goes on buzzwords industry trends. This shit needs to stop and just focus on simplicity and reliability. We need to stop trying to sell new things every cycle
It actually gets in my way every time it does something so that I have stop what I’m doing to kill it. Would love to be able to uninstall it
Ai is a waste of time for me; I don’t want it on my phone , I don’t want it on my computer and I block it every time I have the chance. But I might be old fashioned in that I don’t like algorithms recommending anything to me either. I never cared what the all seeing machine has to say.
I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that it’s useless.
I don’t think it’s meant to be useful…for us, that is. Just another tool to control and brainwash people. I already see a segment of the population trust corporate AI as an authority figure in their lives. Now imagine kids growing up with AI and never knowing a world without. People who have memories of times before the internet is a good way to relate/empathize, at least I think so.
How could it not be this way? Algorithms trained people. They’re trained to be fed info from the rich and never seek anything out on their own. I’m not really sure if the corps did it on purpose or not, at least at first. Just money pursuit until powerful realizations were made. I look at the declining quality of Google/Youtube search results. As if they’re discouraging seeking out information on your own. Subtly pushing the path of least resistance back to the algorithm or now perhaps a potentially much more sinister “AI” LLM chatbot. Or I’m fucking crazy, you tell me.
Like, we say dead internet. Except…nothing is actually stopping us from ditching corporate internet websites and just go back to smaller privately owned or donation run forums.
Big part of why I’m happy to be here on the newfangled fediverse, even if it hasn’t exploded in popularity at least it has like-minded people, or you wouldn’t be here.
Check out debate boards. Full of morons using ChatGPT to speak for them and they’ll both openly admit it and get mad at you for calling it dehumanizing and disrespectful.
/tinfoil hat
Edit to add more old man yells at clouds(ervers) detail, apologies. Kinda chewing through these complex ideas on the fly.
nothing is actually stopping us from ditching corporate internet websites and just go back to smaller privately owned or donation run forums.
I didn’t even realize until you said this that I already do that lol
We do, I just wish it was all of us globally.
Good point…
I don’t see how AI can benefit my phone experience.
I use my phone to make phone calls and for text messaging. Where does AI fit in? It doesn’t.
But imagine!!! What if AI could write your text messages for you and convincingly hold phone calls??? Then you wouldn’t have to use your phone to interact with human beings at all!!!
~Why does anyone want this?~
Nothing bores me more than their events that focus on AI.
It’s all just to get more data from you so it can monetized.
I like the idea of generating emojis with Ai on phones. All other use cases that apple has presented seem useless to me. I was really hoping it would be something, anything, but it was just underwhelming. And then apple didnt even have it ready for the iphone 16 at launch but said the phone was built for apple intelligence…? Seems kinda rushed and half baked to me. I also like using copilot is vscode. Its proven to be pretty good at helping me debug
I’m shocked, I tell you. Absolutely shocked. And if you believe that, I got some oceanfront property in Arizona. I’ll sell you too.