What civic freedoms have Americans lost?
What civic freedoms have Americans lost?
You can’t claim he will reverse precedent unless and until he reverses precedent. How is this considered journalism?
The relationships we have with these countries aren’t sustainable. This is how our relationships work. We are their military. They buy US manufactured weapons and we build military bases on their land so if they are invaded American soldiers will be killed and the US will be forced into war. In return they have very small militaries and are able to pay for things like universal healthcare and free college for their people. Problem is the amount these countries said they would pay they don’t. Our advantages: 1. We can close the hundreds of military bases all over the world and bring our people home and stop paying to run them. 2. With the amount of money saved we can offer better services to our people(if you can get past the corruption)
No china’s gdp growth is actually the lowest in Asia. India, vietnam, & Indonesia are the top expected performers. Japan and South Korea will stay with the USA even if we lose the super liberal countries.
Trump obviously wants to sever those relationships and forge a new path forward. I like Europe, it’s a beautiful place, but I don’t want to live there. SUre the super liberal places hate us now EU, Canada, and UK but South Korea and Japan will stay with the US. Asia has most of the projected economic growth and that is where our future will be.
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