• 6 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: May 9th, 2024


  • Nah, Karmas coming for them.

    Not because of some just world fallacy, they were just fucking stupid to build their supposed “promised land” on top of people who were already there, and surrounded by more people that it pissed off.

    Iran’s got a nuclear something for their ass sooner or later. Which will be WWIII, but Israel is Scrappy Doo, they’re not as big as they think they are, and they just keep pushing, they will be pushed back, because a shittier neighbor by actions there is none.

  • They always need someone to blame for their ever descending new level of hell they’ve made of society.

    Fascists sell off society a plank at a time while telling the angry, ignorant crowd which powerless scapegoat is to blame this week.

    Hell, my fellow Americans have been blaming powerless homeless people, the neighbors we’ve failed as a society, for hurting their property values with their inconsiderate continued existence while destitute since before Donnie was fake firing people on brain rotting reality TV, solely because the for profit media told them to do so as they counted those gullible idiot’s money.

    Sabotaging education has made us a nation of suckers.

  • Sadly, we spend more on our death machine than the next 6 highest nations combined.

    No one is coming to check our bullshit. Literally the only thing the US actually excels at is the creation and export of mass human death, and we save the best doomsday tools for ourselves. What a legacy. Imagine being proud of such a thing, and many are. Well, that and self-promotion, aka as George Carlin pointed out, the art of bullshittery.

    And by the way, between all the genocide, Jim Crow, socialist regime destabilization, and Klan rallies, some like to crow “we were heroes in WWII!” No, heroes save others to save others. Our pacific fleet was decimated. The war came to us and we fought back. That’s not nobility, that’s self-preservation, not good or bad, just self-preservation under attack. We were begged to help and said no prior, and the US was quite fond eugenics before the war and practiced it both before and a little after WWII, involuntarily sterilizing people in asylums. Our capitalists like Ford were helping the Nazis for a tidy profit. Go fish if you want to think well of this exploitation torture device called the United States.

  • However much pain we’re feeling and will be feeling, as a nation not individuals, we deserve oh so much more for our inhuman crimes in the name of capitalist private profit. We destabilized entire nations trying to become societies solely to maintain access to their resources for our capitalist’s exploitation.

    Every American better hope nation state karma doesn’t exist.

  • Whether we got here in 2020, 2024, or 2028, this is where the neoliberal/fascist capitalist jihad was heading.

    They both serve the same masters and play good cop bad cop while exploiting us to death for their wealthy bribers.

    And I vote blue out of slight harm reduction, not hope, because being murdered in swaths for shareholder private profits is better with affirmation ribbons than scapegoats, but we’re sinking under either and have been for half a century.

    There’s a reason Democrat leadership spent the month before Trump took power safeguarding power from AOC. Republicans are their esteemed opposition, they keep the bipartisan bribe fountain running. If the DNC were taken over by an actual left trying to reign in the murderous capital markets, that fountain would stop. The Neoliberals and the DNC would treat an AOC insurgency with the urgency we wish they’d treat Trump.

  • I like to think he represents the naive but genuine goodwill of the “blue no matter who” crowd that subscribe to the just world fallacy, believe the Democrats are “doing their best,” and that the system is still capable of self-repair despite those mechanisms having been dismantled decades ago by the capitalists and their captured government.

    The I do believe in fairies the benevolence of free market forces neoliberal voter that needs to pretend if they just go to work and keep their head down everything will normalize. If Citizens United didn’t spell out that our current constitutional framework was dead and well into decomposition, you’re hopeless.

  • Allonzee@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlThe Democrats theatre
    2 days ago

    "I affirm your identity! You’re free to be who you are without shame! As you die in a cardboard box under a freeway of exposure for failing to be exploited well enough, and as an intentional threat to the other poories to keep laboring for their corpo bribers. 🤷

    Ooh, but here, have a ribbon! I hear they’re quite tasty when boiled."

    They’re not the primary villain, those are the corpo Fascists, but they’re sure as shit the bumbling secondary antagonist. The Denethor to Sauron.

  • It is inevitable that capitalists will conquer their state, but with constant vigilance, for a time, capitalism can and is used as an engine to serve society, so long as it is heavily regulated and hobbled. The Nordic nations for example.

    It’s when the capitalists begin to be allowed to influence their government, and convince the people THEY can live larger than their neighbors if it weren’t for all the social equity evil government enforces, capitalism’s signature siren call.

    The Nordic countries still have free to roam policies. Capitalism here capturing their own regulators and being allowed to warp public opinion with blatant self serving lies through for profit media pulpits make some Americans eager to shoot other Americans.

    I’m not for capitalism at all because it eventually leads here, to fascism, and eventually someone in power will be dumb or corrupt enough to let their guard down. But we let our capitalists conquer our government, as have several western nations. And here we are.

  • Never forget, the fruit of the tree of capitalism is fascism.

    Capitalism unrestrained and left to do its thing, as it has, always leads to fascism. Fascism is the takeover of the state by the capitalists.

    This is why fascism is blooming all over the western world. The global capitalist economy is simply in full bloom sitting on entirely captured nation states and fruiting.

    The fruit being concentration camps, war, poverty, and scapegoating. Anything to blame literally anyone and everything else for all the inhuman malice the capitalists are doing to attempt to satiate their unquenchable greed.

    If anyone still cares about maybe not ending the world for humanity, the capital markets must be destroyed, and speculative investment by passive robber barons not actively participating in laboring to produce products and services must be outlawed. But don’t worry, we’ll fade into the oblivion of greed made climate change out of cowardice. We’ll probably be grateful to die to that after the Fascists have had their fun.