You read the title.
You read the title.
“Which car company do you work for?”
That’s all I have to say about that.
Not on that level but I’ve lost a friend because we were both a little stubborn. I’ll be the first to admit I didn’t handle the situation well (granted, we were all drunk).
But, that friend also needs to acknowledge that they too did not handle what happened in the best way and not double down by threatening to sue other friends that were at the event for a orior year’s issue.
It’s a giant mess. The last thing I told them ~2.6 years ago was that this didn’t have to be a friendship ending event. And here we are; haven’t spoken since then. Some days I miss them and other days I wonder if I’m better off without them and the energy they bring.
People die unexpectedly. Tell anyone and everyone that you love verbally that you love them (even if it’s man to man). Don’t leave anyone guessing as to how you felt about them.
Not everyone is a friend for life, even if you’ve been friends for 5/10/20/40/80 years.
People change and you can’t control that.
Recording the people you love speaking; preferably while you ask them about their lives. See #1
I’m frustrated that European values of ownership, exploitation, and domination have dominated the world, suppressing sustainable and diverse systems from other cultures (like Indigenous, Asian, and African traditions). These exploitative systems, focused on short-term gain and power, still shape our world today. I wonder why we’re stuck in this destructive framework and think almost any other system might be better—though none seem able to challenge the current dominance of wealth and weapons.
Blood doesn’t make someone family; the bonds we form with someone make them family.
I was still using Picassa desktop up until about a year ago. I only stopped because the software doesn’t support HEIC.
Beer good!