Vim (and NeoVim) are as much coding environments as VS or JetBrains. The difference is in the defaults.
Vim (and NeoVim) are as much coding environments as VS or JetBrains. The difference is in the defaults.
That’s not better, you didn’t allow any smart TV to connect to the internet.
I bought a Samsung TV that wouldn’t let me change the input until I connected it to the internet, I returned that crap within the hour.
Maybe they were referring to the Microsoft Halloween documents? Which were leaked on October 31 and was basically a manifesto against FOSS in general and specifically against Linux calling it “communist” software.
You can run into some issues with missing features, for which you’ll have to manually hunt down what’s missing and manually install it.
Oh no! Your pirated game isn’t working properly! Let’s blame the OS!
As much as I dislike Windows, it’s incredibly uncommon for it to blue screen unless there’s some kind of hardware fault. And if it’s happening in Linux too, you’ve got bad/dying hardware.
In Linux, if your system is hanging for a bit then coming back, then it’s probably a drying hard drive.
One thing you can check with is Burn In Test on Windows. It will stress all the individual components and tell you what’s failing.
I’ll use the crappy Win11 lappy just for MS office
LibreOffice works very well. I use it often in a company that uses Office exclusively, and I’ve never had a compatibility issue.
Ah, I missed that part. In my head the person was just selling to another person.
People don’t have to be stuck with a Tesla
But then the person you sold it to will be the person stuck with a Tesla, no?
Like the rise in ADHD and Autism diagnosis… There isn’t more cases, just diagnosis got better or more available.
It’s both.
We’re finding that even things like microplastics are causing changes that’s not fully understood. There’s even a recent study that links an increase in histamine to worsened ADHD symptoms.
And then there are things like poor sleep hygiene when very young can trigger a development of ADHD later on.
It was a sarcastic jab. I don’t agree with software piracy in general, that’s all.