I agree. At most send an advisory message reminding the poster of rules and not to post worse. AT MOST. And I say that as someone who condemns the CEO murder and I don’t agree with Luigi being glorified in any way.
I agree. At most send an advisory message reminding the poster of rules and not to post worse. AT MOST. And I say that as someone who condemns the CEO murder and I don’t agree with Luigi being glorified in any way.
Love your name BTW its adorable
I haven’t and I won’t. Lemmy is a far more positive atmosphere with less content, but better quality content. There’s less overt manipulation and not everything is politicised. I just don’t trust reddit
To me your comment was clearly a joke. There’s nothing serious about it, you’re not rallying others, there’s no vitriol or aggression. Warn or shadow ban, fine. Perma ban is excessive.
FFS that’s ridiculous. If you’d said that was all you were banned for a few months ago I’d have thought you were lying. But that ban is standard now.
I see it differently but understand your argument
There’s plenty of criticism of him there.
Oooooh I like that
I know I can’t fathom it. It honestly frightens me. The lefts behaviour is a big reason I swung right, tolerance and acceptance of difference is important to me and a chunk of left just aren’t like that anymore. If r/conservative were openly behaving like many left wingers on reddit they’d rightly be condemned. It’s so wrong
Yep we all need to get posting and chatting to encourage others
Ugh facebook is unusable. I literally have it for 3 local groups and that’s it. It’s horrible
Yep. I HATE Trump and Musk but for the love of God, keep politics in the relevant subs! Also ACCEPT DIFFERENCE OF OPINION. I go reddit to switch off from politics but even r/OutOfTheLoop is now all people spreading their political messages. Its so hostile to other views now.
Yep and when you’re perma banned you’re fucked. They don’t look at the reasons, they don’t engage with people… it’s ridiculous
It’s a bizarre thing to go after. I really don’t like the pro luigi posts cos he murdered someone and that’s not ok… but people are allowed to have their own opinion and most of it IME is tongue in cheek. There’s far more important issues they could look at (Russian interference, reddit being used for crime etc) but no… luigi. Ffs.
Yep I’m concerned they’ll do that too. They’ll find some posters in r/conservative that are inappropriate and use that as an excuse to ban. The sad thing is conservative is overall really open to other ideas and open discussion! Say anything not left on reddit and you get torn apart which is horrible.
You might find looking into coercive control of organisations interesting. A cult, terrorist group etc controls information and in many ways changes how people think. Controlling government’s can be the same.
I’m going on holiday! I can’t fucking wait
Oooh nice one. Bonus points if it’s a dirty strap.
This is just ridiculous