Thank you. Oh, tell trump I like his… that time he was in the truck. You know, talk me up.
It’s metaphorically, just as building for them is a metaphor. I’m not building anything. Building for me would mean building for people like me. Be it progeny or someone who is lucky enough to be born similar to the way I am and believe similar things.
And yes, I was referring to MAGA, subtext, but doesn’t have to be MAGA or political at all. It’s a thought experiment.
(Also note I was stoned. As I do from time to time)
Ok, but it was an honest question. So, how is that narcissism? Is every question I ask a representation of what I believe?
I won’t fight. You think I’m a narcissist. That’s hurtful but ok. I apologize for however it is i transgressed against you.
How do you want me to behave differently?
Edit: should I not ask questions? Should I not be myself? Should I be nicer?
I’m a person like you. If you do not want to connect with me why engage me in such a confrontational way?
What about me? Why not just air your grievances. I won’t mind.
“…And children then there was HobbitFoot. He was just a good dude, what can I say.”
Monke no give. only take.
Sorry, my question really hurt you.
Unfortunately we can’t because we are the product. Exploitable people.