The funny thing is that if Trump starts attacking him, it will have the opposite effect in Canada and will win him votes. I wonder if Trump is too braindead to realize that. We’ll see tomorrow.
The funny thing is that if Trump starts attacking him, it will have the opposite effect in Canada and will win him votes. I wonder if Trump is too braindead to realize that. We’ll see tomorrow.
McDonald’s couldn’t even get AI to take drive-through orders properly. Musk wants it to run the government without even doing a test run first.
Yes, it makes sense in a game where the designer already knows where the important action is and controls the camera to focus on it. It however does not work in a game where the action could be anywhere and camera doesn’t necessarily focus on it.
When it’s on, whatever the playable character looks at will be in focus and everything else that is at different distances will be blurry, as it would be the case in real life if your eyes were the playable character’s eyes. The problem is that the player’s eyes are NOT the playable character’s eyes. Players have the ability to look around elsewhere on the screen and the vast majority of them use it all the time in order to play the game. But with that stupid feature on everything is blurry and the only way to get them in focus is to move the playable character’s view around along with it to get the game to focus on it. It just constantly feels like something is wrong with your eyes and you can’t see shit.
Has the person who invented the depth of field effect for a video game ever even PLAYED a game before?
4 days ago in a conversation with Trump Trudeau said he didn’t know when the elections will take place in Canada. Trump immediately jumped to the conclusion that “Trudeau is using the tariffs to stay in power” and raised a big public stink about it, not once realizing that what Trudeau meant is that the date of the elections (which will have to happen before October of this year no matter what) was completely out of his hands because he was about to step down as prime minister. How the fuck did Trump not know that? It’s not like it was a secret or anything. Everyone knew Trudeau was going to step down today except him.
Wanna bet Trump will be once again confused by this transition and will call it a “coup” now?
There is no 200 IQ 4D chess plan. He just wings it as he goes. He says and does whatever “feels good” to him at the moment with zero regards to consequences, consistency or truth. He doesn’t consult experts, he doesn’t study anything because he thinks he knows everything about everything already. He is simply lucky when things go his way and is really good at shifting blame when they don’t.
I introduced by young nephews to Mario Kart. They were too bad at the game to race so we played battle mode instead. I’ve let them fight each other as I hung back and practiced drifting around the map, only to intervene whenever one of them was getting a little too cocky.
Imagine you and your family being confronted by a Russian conscript who shoots anything that moves.
The early 90’s mushroom haircut trend was worse by far
He’s either completely senile or doing Putin’s bidding by destroying whatever is left of the US’s international credibility.