I’m on SSDI and VA disability. I can’t work. I’m terrified every time they even breath in the direction of either place. I’d be super fucked. Even losing SSDI would destroy us. That’s about 3/4 of our mortgage payment. So many other vets are in the same boat.
I think I see the issue. There is no real official militia. Those who call themselves militias here are white power, neo nazi, or the like. They are very much in favor of everything going on right now because it affects “those people” the most.
Then we have those who are armed individuals. Statistically, last I looked, the majority of firearms are owned by right leaning individuals.
There are those of us that are pissed off about everything, or left leaning, but we have no real means to get together and coordinate any type of uprising. Dig through my comments and you’ll get a good rundown of why.
The best we can hope, those of us that are against all this shit, is arm and defend our own as best we can. That is really more for crazed right side folks who see some reason to start being stupid. Which has happened here and there already, or attempted to. We’re not talking door to door, but groups that have planned raids on peaceful protests, or have shown up in hopes of provoking a peaceful protest into a riot of some sort.