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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: February 16th, 2024


  • You’re not taking a stand.

    That’s like me saying “hey, that guy there, he raped a person, I saw him put his dick into another person with force, against their will” and me asking you to be a witness and affirm that thing to the cops, and then you come in and say “well yeah, everyone who has a penis is technically a rapist, so yeah, I admit that that person is a rapist because he has a penis” which would mean you’re implying that you are not a witness to that rape.

    You see how this works? Like each and every time, I have to draw it out of you, and then when I do, you just skip and run. I told you, we’ve had this chat a dozen times.


    Since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, the Russian military and authorities have committed war crimes, such as deliberate attacks against civilian targets, including on hospitals, medical facilities and on the energy grid;[1][2][3] indiscriminate attacks on densely-populated areas; the abduction, torture and murder of civilians; forced deportations; sexual violence; destruction of cultural heritage; and the killing and torture of Ukrainian prisoners of war.

    If you accept these to be true, I’d shut up. But you won’t. Instead you’ll keep whatabouting about Zelensky, hoping I’ll instead try to shift the conversation onto asking “why don’t you support Zelensky”, but that’s kinda obvious, so I don’t. And you won’t accept those crimes, like all the dozens of times before, and you won’t accept that Putin should be held personally responsible for those crimes either, I’d wager.

    Please, do prove me wrong.

  • So you admit he’s a warcriminal because of the crimes on humanity he’s guilty of, which Zelensky is not? You’re not taking a side.

    I don’t think you’re a state actor, you’re clearly not a professional in anything. But like… even if I did, do you think I’m actually trying to say that Russian disinfo wouldn’t be able to lie?

    Now you’re just doing the very same “oh I already admitted to that” thing, because you pretend like saying “all world leaders are bad” means the same thing as admitting to Putin’s crimes.

    You avoid being directly unpatriotic, because you think you can outsmart me. It’s like watching a toddler hide behind some curtains, not realising their feet are showing and that one can actually hear them giggling.

    Basically, you avoid anything that could actually get you thrown out of a window. You won’t actually take a stand against Putin. No, you’ll try to pretend to admit to criticising him while trying to criticise Zelensky. Zelensky hasn’t invaded a sovereign nation with his armed forces. He is defending his country though, and unlike Putin, he isn’t a low-test bald fattie hiding in a bunker.

  • The people who are too scared of saying “Putin is breaking international law with the illegal invasion of Ukraine and is a war criminal and should be tried for his crimes”, or even “Putin is a criminal” or “Putin is wrong” or “Russia was wrong to invade Ukraine”, the people who never utter a single detail about themselves (except when claiming to be “born&bred American”) but constantly comment on American politics, and each of their comments aligns with Russian propaganda?

    Yeah, it’s not “everyone”, sweetums. <3

    If you guys drank less and read more as a people you wouldn’t be ridiculed so bad. Now it’s like genuinely ridiculous how unaware you are of how fucking see-through you are.

    It’s ludicrous. I would laugh if it the Americans also weren’t so stupid that you actually managed to put an agent at their head of state. Because that is actually worrying.

    Russia itself is weak and backwards as fuck but if they manage to mangle the US, Russia+China will give Europe a running for our money.

    Don’t worry, toveri, mä oon rajal sua vastas.

  • Oh yeah definitely most aren’t hired state actors. Just perpetuating the bullshit.

    I don’t know how many people in the line there are but basically Russia wants something to lean in a certain direction, so they spread all fucking sorts on purpose with a small amount of people. But as I’ve said, it’s incredibly easy to get non-official official things online. Like claim an artist, a country, a community of anything that’s already popular, on any platform, and then pretend to #1 be that kind of person, but constantly feed in the opinions you want to bend.

    A dozen, two dozen people like that actually doing it as a job will make a huge fucking wave if utilised properly. And I’ve no idea of the numbers Russians have plus all the botnets and simps and then at the bottom of the line, the American MAGAt aping shit they read on those platforms, thinking they’re “just saying what everyone is thinking” while actually aping Russian propaganda.

    Hate to say it but goddamn America needs a little bit more fear towards Russia. The whole world has pretty much written off Russia since Ukraine actually stood up to them and Russia didn’t just blitzkrieg through.

    But everyone has forgotten what they’re really good at. It’s not the bullying border neighbours, that’s just their hobby. Their profession is spycraft and disinfo.